
Showing posts from September, 2022

AWS RDS COmmands

add-role-to-db-instance - Add Role to a RDS Instance . aws rds add-role-to-db-instance --db-instance-identifier AWSTEST \ --role-arn arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/rds-s3-integration-role \ -- --feature-name S3_INTEGRATION --region -us-west-2  copy-db-snapshot  - Copy DB Snapshot from one RDS to other/ Convert Automatic to Manual Snapshot Copies the specified DB snapshot. The source DB snapshot must be in the available state. You can copy a snapshot from one AWS Region to another. In that case, the AWS Region where you call the CopyDBSnapshot operation is the destination AWS Region for the DB snapshot copy. aws rds   copy-db-snapshot --source-db-snapshot-identifier XXXXXXX  --target-db-snapshot-identifier XXXXXXXXX -> Convert automatic one to manual    aws rds   copy-db-snapshot --source-db-snapshot-identifier XXXXXXX  --target-db-snapshot-identifier XXXXXXXXX