HugePages is a feature integrated into the Linux kernel from Release 2.6 that allows large SGA memory to be utilized with reduced overhead by ensuring that the memory is not paged to disk. HugePages allows you to use much larger page sizes (for example, 2MB or 4MB) than the default 4K page size, which can be crucial for faster Oracle database performance on Linux, and increasingly so for systems with large RAM and database SGA sizes, as is the case even for small CC deployments. HugePages results in smaller page tables and less CPU time spent on memory management, increasing the performance of large database instances One possible drawback of using HugePages is that you cannot use it in conjunction with Automatic Memory Management (AMM); you must use Automatic Shared Memory Management (ASMM) instead. Therefore, before you decide to implement HugePages, you may want to weigh its advantages against any disadvantages of not being able to enable A...