High Level Steps to Upgrade RAC DB from 12c to 19C

Check active version and Software Version of  Cluster in Pre Upgrade Environment .   
  • crsctl query crs activeversion
  • crsctl query crs softwareversion


  1.  Apply required patches to your existing 12c grid
  2.  Download the software and unzip on your first node
  3.  Run the orachk tool as grid owner          -  orachk tool will generate a html report for recommendation, that need to be taken care before  upgrading.       
      export GRID_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/grid19c
      cd /u01/app/oracle/grid19c/suptools/orachk/
       ./orachk –u -o pre
  4. Run cluvfy as grid owner - cluvfy tool will verify configuration of GRID services for upgradation
  5. ./runcluvfy.sh stage -pre crsinst -upgrade -rolling -src_crshome /u01/app/12.2.0/grid -dest_crshome /u02/app/19.3.0/grid -dest_version -fixup -verbose
  6.  DRY RUN PHASE:( GUI Method) ---Dry run phase will  not do any changes to the existing grid setup. It will just check the system readiness.
    • Validates storage and network configuration for the new release
    • Checks if the system meets the software and hardware requirements for the new release
    • Checks for the patch requirements and apply necessary patches before starting the upgrade
    • Writes system configuration issues or errors in the gridSetupActions<timestamp>.log log file


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