RMAN Restoration Procedure

 The Process describes the DB cloning using RMAN backup of Source Database .

Step 1 : Crete a Pfile for Target database (mqtest)
If the Database is being dropped , retain the spfile of existing database .

Step 2 : Copy Password file from Source to target Server .

Password file will be in location $ORACLE_HOME/dbs
Password file name will be in format orapwORACLE_SID

copy the password file from Sorce server to target Server and rename the file to target DB name

Step 3 : Startup the database is Nomount State using Pfile (This step can be skipped if SPfile is already Availble )
SQL > start nomount pfile='$ORACLE_HOME/dbs/initmqtest.ora' ;
SQL > create spfile from pfile='$ORACLE_HOME/dbs/initmqtest.ora' ;
SQL > Shut immediaate ;

Step4: Startup DB again in Nomount stage and verify if DB is in Archivelog mode

set lines 550 pages 550
alter session set nls_date_format='DD_MM_YY HH24:MI' ;
col db_unique_name for a20
col instance_name for a20
Col startup_time for a25
select a.db_unique_name,b.INSTANCE_NAME,a.open_mode,b.STARTUP_TIME,to_char(SYSDATE,'DD-MM-YY HH24:MI'),
a.database_role,a.log_mode,a.flashback_on from gv$database a,gv$instance b WHERE A.inst_id=b.inst_id ;

show parameter db_create_file_dest  ;

select file_name from v$datafile ;

##### Datafiles should be In location for parameter db_create_file_dest#############
if Location are different

alter system set db_create_file_dest='*********' ;

step 5: Create a Rman Command file to Run Restoration process .

File_name - rman_restre_DATE.rman

connect auxiliary
    allocate auxiliary channel C1 type disk  ;
    allocate auxiliary channel C2 type disk  ;
    allocate auxiliary channel C3 type disk  ;
    release auxiliary channel C1;
    release auxiliary channel C2;
    release auxiliary channel C3;

Step 6 : Start the Rman Restoration .

nohup rman  cmdfile=rman_restre_DATE.rman log=rman_duplicate_script.log  &

Step 7 : Monitor the Process of Restoreation

tail -100f rman_duplicate_DATE.log

Step8 : Post Restoration Check Status of Database .

set lines 550 pages 550
alter session set nls_date_format='DD_MM_YY HH24:MI' ;
col db_unique_name for a20
col instance_name for a20
Col startup_time for a25
select a.db_unique_name,b.INSTANCE_NAME,a.open_mode,b.STARTUP_TIME,to_char(SYSDATE,'DD-MM-YY HH24:MI'),
a.database_role,a.log_mode,a.flashback_on from gv$database a,gv$instance b WHERE A.inst_id=b.inst_id ;

Step 9 : Convert DB into No archivelog mode if necessary .



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