Database Practice Questions

 How Do you switch Database from using Pfile to spfile ?
What is the Size of a segment & how do you measure the size of segments ?
What is different types of diagnostic files in Database ?
what is audit file dump destiantion ?
What is AMM &ASMM ?
how can you find &  modify the location & size  to archive log generation destination  ?
How do you create a backup for COntrolfile manaully ?
How do you list the Size of SGA & PGA ?
Explain The Difference Between $oracle_home And $oracle_base?
When A User Process Fails, What Background Process Cleans Up After It?
Which Prcess is responsible for Cleaning up buffers once the COmmit is done ?
 How Would You Force A Log Switch?
 What Is The Difference Between A Temporary Tablespace And A Permanent Tablespace?
 Name A Tablespace Automatically Created When You Create A Database?
 When Creating A User, What Permissions Must You Grant To Allow Them To Connect To The Database?
 Name  Files Used For Network Connection To A Database?
 What is a dynamic/static Parameter and how do you determine which parameter is dynamic/static?  
 List types of Oracle objects ?
 Define different types of tablespaces you know?
 What is UndoRetention ?
 How to find block size for a database ?
 Can you rename the user once it is created?
 What is the difference between a role and privilege , can you provide an example?
 How to give a tablespace quota to a user?
 What does sysaux tablespace contains?
 Where to find different types of segments in oracle database?


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